Suez AK8040F-400 RO Membrane

Suez AK8040F-400 STASIUN FILTER INDONESIA fast response +62 812 9285 8899 Trust the water filter expert’s Email : Pastikan produk yang anda dapatkan adalah asli dari SFI Filtration dengan harga dan kualitas terbaik.


Suez AK8040F-400 RO Membrane

Stasiun Filter Indonesia adalah importir distributor agen dan supplier Suez AK8040F-400 RO Membrane terlengkap dan untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan spare part filter lainnya bagi keperluan industri dengan harga terbaik.


Purify water from any source and operate at high efficiency

SUEZ spiral wound membrane elements purify water for drinking water, boiler feedwater, seawater desalination, rinse water, and water reuse. These highly efficient membranes produce high-quality product water from virtually any source including surface water, tap water, well water or seawater.


Pure Water Membranes Features

Spiral wound membranes and depth filtration products are designed to work in concert for the highest performance and protection. the RO Save.Z depth filter with patented Z.Plex* technology,  assures that membrane equipment will operate at optimum performance and provide:

Improved operations

Increased water reuse

Lower maintenance costs

Full environmental compliance


Alternative Produk

Stasiun filter Indonesia selain memproduksi filtration sand dan carbon juga menyediakan berbagai spare part WTP diantaranya yaitu filter cartridge , housing filter bag, housing cartridge filter, reverse osmosis membrane serta ultraviolet water sterilizer.


Untuk informasi lengkap dan permintaan penawaran harga Suez AK8040F-400 silahkan hubungi kantor kami


Kontak dan alamat


Perumahan Legenda Wisata Cluster Lumihous Blok V6/7
Legenda Wisata, Cibubur – Jakarta Timur

Phone : +62812 9285 8899, +62 895-3336-40359

WhatsApp : +62812 9285 8899

Email :

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