PPMG63-05-22 Filter Cartridge

PPMG63-05-22 Filter Cartridge STASIUN FILTER INDONESIA fast response +62 812-9285-8899 Trust the water filter expert’s, stock terlengkap, kualitas dan harga terbaik.


PPMG63-05-22 Filter Cartridge

STASIUN FILTER INDONESIA  adalah perusahaan importir dan agent spare-part water treatment dengan stock PPMG63-05-22 Filter Cartridge terlengkap harga serta jaminan kualitas terbaik.

SFI Spun Bonded Filter Cartridge are made up of 100% polypropylene fibers. The fibers have been carefully spunned together to form a true gradient density from outer to the inner surface. Filter cartridges are available with both core & without core version. The Filter Cartridge Spun superior structure remains integral even under severe operating conditions and there is no media migration. Polypropylene fibers are blown continuously on the central molded core, without any binders, resins or lubricants.

SFI PPMG Melt Blown Filter Cartridge MG Series is fusing and intertwined of polypropylene resin without any chemical glues.


Spesifikasi PPMG63-05-22 Filter

Sizes : 22” Long

Inner Diameter : 28 mm

Outer Diameter : 63 mm (2.5”)

Micron Rating :  5µ

Media Material : Polypropylene

Model : Mini Groove

Center Core : Non Core



Free of surfactants, binders and adhesives

Excellent flow with low pressure drop

High dirt holding capacity

100 % Polypropylene for wide chemical compatibility.

High strength & pressure resistance

One piece construction up to 1016 mm & more

Nominal & absolute filtration rating



Double Open Type (DOE Type)

226 O’ Ring Design / Bayonet

226 O’ Ring Design / Flat

222 O’ Ring Design / Bayonet

222 O’ Ring Design / Flat


As the fiber and density form high filtration rating and pollutants holding capacity on diameter of filter cartridge, low pressure drop, gradual changing deep filtration structure with loose outside and close inner, strong pollutants holding capacity, it can remove contaminant effectively, such as suspended substance, particulate and rust, providing efficient filtration and long service life.

Mini grooved surface increases the surface area and make the cartridge has a better appearance.


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Perumahan Legenda Wisata Cluster Lumihous Blok V6/7
Legenda Wisata, Cibubur – Jakarta Timur

Phone : +62812 9285 8899, +62 895-3336-40359

WhatsApp : +62812 9285 8899

Email : sales@stasiunfilter.com

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